function Ogr0121Resources(){}Ogr0121Resources.sinavAdiKatarAlThanawila = "Katar Al-Thanawila Aama Qatari" Ogr0121Resources.hataEsdegerSinavTarihiGirmelisiniz = "You must enter equivalent exam date!" Ogr0121Resources.ResimBoyutu = "The image size to be uploaded can be up to {0} KB!" Ogr0121Resources.sinavAdiKirgizistanUBSBayburt = "Kyrgyzstan National Scholarship Test" Ogr0121Resources.basvuruharcBankabilgi2_30 = "For payments out side Turkey, SWIFT Code: TEBUTRIS302; For payments inside Turkey, Bank: Turk Ekonomi Bankasi (TEB)." Ogr0121Resources.basvuruharcBankabilgi1_30 = "Account/IBAN No: TR790003200030200000012218;
Amount: 100 USD (A hundred United States Dollars);
Explanation: Applicant’s ID-First Name-Surname
Do not forget to tell {0}-{1}-{2} this information to the bank while paying the amount!" Ogr0121Resources.DigerUniversiteler = "Diğer Universiteler Sınav" Ogr0121Resources.ltlUIPuanHata11Mat = "According to the chosen program {0}, your MATH score should be at least: {1}." Ogr0121Resources.ogrenimUcretiYES = "Tuition Fee Paid." Ogr0121Resources.bilgilerhatali = "The information provided is not correct!" Ogr0121Resources.hataKullaniciBilgileriBulunamadi = "No such user found in the system." Ogr0121Resources.TipveDisicinEnaz80 = "For the Faculty of Medicine and the Faculty of Dentistry, 80/100 points are accepted." Ogr0121Resources.ETUYOS = "ETUYOS" Ogr0121Resources.harcBorcuOkunamadi = "Error! Application debt could not be read!" Ogr0121Resources.belgeKaydetmeHatali = "An error occurred while saving your application data. Please retry saving! File Name:" Ogr0121Resources.kaydethatali = "An error occurred while saving your application data. Please retry saving!" Ogr0121Resources.lblFotografYukleyiniz = "Please only upload photos in jpeg, gif or png format." Ogr0121Resources.mukerrerPasaport = "The passport number has been previously used!" Ogr0121Resources.sinavAdiKirgizistanUBS = "Kyrgyz National Scholarship Test" Ogr0121Resources.AdayNo = "Applicant's ID : {0}" Ogr0121Resources.sinavAdiBosnaHersekDiploma = "Bosna Hersek Diploma o polozenom zavrsnom ispitu" Ogr0121Resources.sinavAdiAlShahadaLibyaBayburt = "Al-Shahada Al-Thanawiyya (Libya)" Ogr0121Resources.sinavAdiIB = "International Baccalaureate (IB)" Ogr0121Resources.YOSErzurum = "YOS (Examination for Foreign Students)" Ogr0121Resources.kaydedildi = "Your application form has been saved!" Ogr0121Resources.KamerunOrtaogretimMezuniyetBelgesi = "Kamerun Ortaöğretim Mezuniyet Belgesi" Ogr0121Resources.Seciniz = "[Select]" Ogr0121Resources.AzerbeycanBayburt = "Azerbaijan National University Test" Ogr0121Resources.UkraynaATTESTAT = "Ukrayna ATTESTAT" Ogr0121Resources.sinavAdiTurkmenistanAttestat = "Turkmenistan Attestat He Obrazovanii Sredna" Ogr0121Resources.sinavAdiHirvatistanSvjedodzba = "Hırvatistan Svjedodzba o zavrsenom srednjem" Ogr0121Resources.sinavAdiAlShahadaLibya = "Al-Shahada Al-Thanawiyya (Lebanon)" Ogr0121Resources.mailMessageSuccess = "The referral address has been sent to your e-mail address." Ogr0121Resources.hataLiseNotOrtalamasiYanlisSistem = "Entered grade point average, is incompatible with the system you have chosen!" Ogr0121Resources.EkranKapatUyari = "Close your screen when you save your application!" Ogr0121Resources.SuudiArabistanDiploma = "Suudi Arabistan Diploma" Ogr0121Resources.BulgaristanMATURA = "BulgaristanMATURA" Ogr0121Resources.ZimbabveZIMSEC = "Zimbabve ZIMSEC" Ogr0121Resources.KabulMektubuIndir = "Download Foreign National Acceptance Letter" Ogr0121Resources.basvuruOnaylanmis = "Your application has been approved." Ogr0121Resources.hataMUyosSinaviGirmeIstegi = "You must select MUYOS exam request Yes or No!" Ogr0121Resources.MaksSinavDeger = "Maksimum Value : {0}" Ogr0121Resources.adaynoeksik = "Please enter your Applicant's ID." Ogr0121Resources.istenilenTumBelgeleriYuklemelisiniz = "You must upload all required documents." Ogr0121Resources.hataLiseNotSistemi = "You must fill in the grading system of high-school you graduded from!" Ogr0121Resources.madalyaSeciniz = "Please, select medal !!" Ogr0121Resources.kaydettamam = "Your application form has been saved! You can login to this system with the Applicant’s ID and Password shown below; " Ogr0121Resources.AfganistanKonkurs = "Afganistan Konkurs" Ogr0121Resources.ltlUIPuanHata4SocArt = "According to the chosen program {0}, your Soc/Art Stream score should be at least: {1}." Ogr0121Resources.sinavAdiDiger4080 = "Diğer Üniversiteler Sınav(40/80)" Ogr0121Resources.ltlUIPuanHata4SciStr = "According to the chosen program {0}, your Sci.Stream score should be at least: {1}." Ogr0121Resources.gcealevel = "GCE A Level" Ogr0121Resources.sinavAdiAlShahadaSuriye = "Al-Shahada-Al-Thanawiyya- Al-Amma (Syria)" Ogr0121Resources.hataAnneAdi = "You must fill in your mother's name! And you can use maximum 50 characters!" Ogr0121Resources.DigerUniversitelerBayburt = "Exams Made in Turkish Universities (YÖS)" Ogr0121Resources.sinavAdiAlShahadaLibyaOrduSosyal = "Al-Shahada Al-Thanawiyya (Libya)(SOCIAL)" Ogr0121Resources.EsdegerPuanSec = "Please select Equivalent Score-Degrees." Ogr0121Resources.SecilenBelgeyeAitBilgilereErisilemedi = "The information for the selected document could not be accessed." Ogr0121Resources.sifreeksik = "Please enter your password" Ogr0121Resources.YerlestirmeBilgi = "The student was placed into {0} Program." Ogr0121Resources.mukerrerEmail = "The email has been previously used!" Ogr0121Resources.sinavAdiUYYOSOrdu = "YÖS(Yabancı Uyruklu Öğrenci Sınavı)" Ogr0121Resources.AngolaSSLC = "Angola SSLC" Ogr0121Resources.sinavAdiSAT1 = "SAT I" Ogr0121Resources.basvuruFormAnaBaslikTobb = "FOREIGN STUDENT APPLICATION FORM" Ogr0121Resources.lblUIPuanFenYuzde = "Branch of Science Degree % " Ogr0121Resources.hataCinsiyet = "You must select gender!" Ogr0121Resources.lblUITxtPuan3 = "Equivalent Score-Degrees" Ogr0121Resources.lblUITxtPuan2 = "Equivalent Score-Degrees" Ogr0121Resources.lblUITxtPuan4 = "Equivalent Score-Degrees" Ogr0121Resources.sinavAdiYunanistan = "Greece Apolitírio Enaíou Lykeíou" Ogr0121Resources.lblUITxtPuan = "Equivalent Score-Degrees" Ogr0121Resources.lblUIPuanSocArtStream = "Soc/Art Stream" Ogr0121Resources.lblUIPuanSocEconomyLanguagesArtStream = "Soc./Economy/Languages/Art Stream" Ogr0121Resources.hataMaxProgramSecili = "Maximum {0} programs can be selected!" Ogr0121Resources.DigerUniversitelerOrdu = "Diğer Üniversiteler Sınav(40/80)" Ogr0121Resources.sinavAdiDiger50100 = "Diğer Üniversiteler Sınav(50/100)" Ogr0121Resources.belarusCentralTesting = "Belarus: Belarussian Central Testing" Ogr0121Resources.sinavAdiAlShahadaLibyaOrduFen = "Al-Shahada Al-Thanawiyya (Libya)" Ogr0121Resources.iranSinaviLabelAdi1 = "Debirestan Diploma Grade" Ogr0121Resources.iranSinaviLabelAdi2 = "Pişdaneşgahj Grade Average" Ogr0121Resources.sinavAdiGCEALevel = "GCE-(A level Certificate)" Ogr0121Resources.sinavAdiOrtaOgretimPuani = "The applications with Post Secondary Education" Ogr0121Resources.sinavBilgileriBaslik = "Examination Information Used for Placement" Ogr0121Resources.btnInfoTooltip = "(I am a Mavi Kart holder given to those who have lost their Turkish Citizenship by obtaining permission from the Ministry of Interior to quit Turkish Citizenship)" Ogr0121Resources.tarihlerOkunamadi = "Dates could not be read!" Ogr0121Resources.adayonaylandi = "Foreign student's application has been approved!" Ogr0121Resources.hataZatenKayitli = "Because of you registered before, You must login with your Applicant's ID and password!" Ogr0121Resources.FotoYuklu = "The Photo has been saved." Ogr0121Resources.hataMezunLiseAdi = "You must fill in the name of high-school graduaded!" Ogr0121Resources.lblUIPuanSciStream = "Sci.Stream" Ogr0121Resources.sinavAdiAzerbeycanAttestat = "Azerbeycan ATTESTAT" Ogr0121Resources.basvuruFormIstenenPrgBaslikSamsun = "PROGRAMS WANT TO SETTLE PREFERRED PROGRAMS" Ogr0121Resources.BahreynTawjahiya = "Bahreyn Tawjahiya" Ogr0121Resources.hataDogumYeri = "You must fill in place of birth field! And you can use maximum 50 characters!" Ogr0121Resources.islembasarisiz = "An error occurred during operation!" Ogr0121Resources.sinavAdiTawjihi = "Tawjihi(Jordan and Palestine)" Ogr0121Resources.hataProgramSecmelisiniz = "Please select a programme." Ogr0121Resources.sinavAdiGCE = "GCE" Ogr0121Resources.sinavAdiACT = "ACT" Ogr0121Resources.sinavAdiYOS = "YÖS" Ogr0121Resources.alesyeterlidegil = "Your ALES (or equivalent exam) grade is not sufficient for application." Ogr0121Resources.TobbYerlesmekIstediginizProgramlar = "Faculty" Ogr0121Resources.hataEsdegerSinavSecmelisiniz = "If you do not want to enter the university exam, you have to enter information for the equivalent exam!" Ogr0121Resources.basvuruTarihleriAraligindaDegil = "The range of dates and application dates are not announced or unable to apply for the entry." Ogr0121Resources.YerlestirilenBolumErzincan = "As Result of the {0}. Placement Process, the Student was Placed into {1} Program. The student number is {2}." Ogr0121Resources.BelgeImzaDurumMesaj = "The Foreign National Acceptance Letter cannot be downloaded because it is {0}! {1}" Ogr0121Resources.DigerUluslararasi = "Other International Exams" Ogr0121Resources.basvuruharcbilgimesaji_30 = "Your application, related to the applicant's number {0}, will be approved only if and after the examination/application fee, {1} USD (a hundred American Dollar), is paid to the bank with the information below; " Ogr0121Resources.sinavAdiLubnanBakalorya20 = "Baccalauréat Libanais (Lebanon) (20 Base System)" Ogr0121Resources.lblUIPuanFenYuzdeErzincan = "Diploma Grade on Science %" Ogr0121Resources.lblUITxtPuanYuzde = "Equivalent Score/Grade %" Ogr0121Resources.dogumTarihi = "Doğum Tarihi (G/A/Y) / Date of Birth (D/M/Y) " Ogr0121Resources.lblUITxtPuanErzincan = "Equivalent Score-Grade" Ogr0121Resources.lblUIPuanToplam = "Total Score" Ogr0121Resources.sinavAdiIBOrdu = "International Baccalaureate (IB)" Ogr0121Resources.lblUIPuanScientific = "Scientific Stream Score" Ogr0121Resources.sinavAdiVictorian = "Victorian Certificate Of Education" Ogr0121Resources.CekCumhuriyetiMATURA = "Çek Cumhuriyeti MATURA" Ogr0121Resources.ResimZorunlu = "You must upload your photo (choose a photo in JPEG/JPG format)!" Ogr0121Resources.sinavAdiGCEo1 = "1 out of 3 subjects is A level" Ogr0121Resources.sinavAdiGCEo2 = "2 out of 3 subjects is A level" Ogr0121Resources.sinavAdiGCEo3 = "3 out of 3 subjects is A level" Ogr0121Resources.sinavAdiUYYOS = "ÜYYOS" Ogr0121Resources.yabancidil = "The foreign language score entered is not sufficient to apply." Ogr0121Resources.hataMezunLiseSehir = "You must fill in the name of city of graduaded high-school! And you can use maximum 30 characters!" Ogr0121Resources.adeksik = "Name must be entered!" Ogr0121Resources.sinavAdiOrtaOgretimPuaniBayburt = "Applications with High School Mean Score" Ogr0121Resources.FotoYukluDegil = "The photo is not exist!" Ogr0121Resources.listedenOgrenciSec = "You must select a student from foreign student approval page." Ogr0121Resources.LiseNotOrtalamasiHatali = "Entered high school GPA and High School Grading System is incompatible with the chosen values!" Ogr0121Resources.sinavAdiGaoCin = "Gaokao (China)" Ogr0121Resources.ltlUIPuanHata = "According to the chosen exam, your test score should be at least: {0}." Ogr0121Resources.ltlUIPuanHata11ToplamMax = "According to the chosen program {0}, your TOTAL score should be at most:{1}." Ogr0121Resources.kimliknoeksik = "Please enter your Identity number" Ogr0121Resources.firat = "Fırat University-YÖS" Ogr0121Resources.GPA = "3. Lise Diploma Puanı (GPA)" Ogr0121Resources.NVQ = "NVQ" Ogr0121Resources.TCS = "TCS" Ogr0121Resources.AzerbaycanATTESTAT = "Azerbaycan ATTESTAT" Ogr0121Resources.Email = "Email : {0}" Ogr0121Resources.Altin = "Gold" Ogr0121Resources.Gumus = "Silver" Ogr0121Resources.sinavAdiKirgizistanAttestat = "Kırgızistan Attestat o Srednem (Polinom)" Ogr0121Resources.Bronz = "Bronze" Ogr0121Resources.SinavSecmelisiniz = "An exam must be selected!" Ogr0121Resources.Sifre = "Password : {0}" Ogr0121Resources.sinavAdiBaccalaBayburt = "Baccalauréat Libanais" Ogr0121Resources.sinavAdiABITUR = "ABITUR" Ogr0121Resources.TurkmenistanATTESTAT = "Turkmenistan ATTESTAT" Ogr0121Resources.SamsunDiger = "Other" Ogr0121Resources.hataPasaport = "You must fill in passport (using at most 15 characters)" Ogr0121Resources.EsdegerSinavSec = "Please Select Equivalent Exam Name" Ogr0121Resources.hataLiseNotOrtalamasiBos = "You must fill in your grade of graduation from high-school!" Ogr0121Resources.otomasyonagirisyap = "You must log in to the automation." Ogr0121Resources.ltlUIPuanHata2 = "According to the chosen exam, your test score must be {0} - {1} range." Ogr0121Resources.ltlUIPuanHata1 = "According to the chosen exam, your test score should be better than : {0}. - max {1}" Ogr0121Resources.ltlUIPuanHata5SciEngPure = "According to the chosen program {0}, your Sci/Eng/Pure Sci. Stream score should be at least: {1}." Ogr0121Resources.MinSinavDegerMat = "Min Math Value : {0}" Ogr0121Resources.gecerlilikSureUyari = "Has Expired Validity of Your Exam !!" Ogr0121Resources.baslikTOBB = "FOREIGN STUDENT APPLICATION FORM LOGIN" Ogr0121Resources.baslikOrdu = "FOREIGN STUDENT SELECTION AND PLACEMENT APPLICATION FORM" Ogr0121Resources.hataTelefon = "You must fill in the telephone! And you can use maximum 20 characters!" Ogr0121Resources.hataDogumTarihi = "You must select date-of-birth!" Ogr0121Resources.sinavAdiBaccala = "Baccalauréat Libanais" Ogr0121Resources.sinavAdiBaccalaErzincan = "Baccalauréat Libanais (Lebanon) (100 Base System)" Ogr0121Resources.ltlUIPuanHata5SocEcoLanArt = "According to the chosen program {0}, your Soc./Economy/Languages/Art Stream score should be at least: {1}." Ogr0121Resources.OgrenciBilgileriniGoremezsiniz = "Öğrenci Bilgilerini Göremezsiniz" Ogr0121Resources.lblYuKimlikNo1 = "Identity Number" Ogr0121Resources.sinavAdiAlShahadaSuriyeOrduFen = "Al-Shahada-Al-Thanawiyya (Syria)" Ogr0121Resources.basvuruUcretiYES = "Refer to the application fee is deposited into the bank account is active!" Ogr0121Resources.basvuruUcretiNO = "Your application fee is not paid, your application is passive! " Ogr0121Resources.DigerUlusal = "Other National Exams" Ogr0121Resources.hataUlke = "You must fill in the country name!" Ogr0121Resources.ScanError = "{} Scan Error" Ogr0121Resources.lblUIPuanMatematik = "Math Score" Ogr0121Resources.YerlestirilenBolum = "{0}.Yerleştirme İşlemi Sonucunda {1} programına yerleştirilmiştir." Ogr0121Resources.hataSayfaDiliniSeciniz = "Select Page Language!" Ogr0121Resources.basvuruFormAnaBaslikBayburt = "FOREIGN STUDENT SELECTION AND PLACEMENT APPLICATION SYSTEM" Ogr0121Resources.hataMezunLiseUlke = "You must fill in the name of country of graduaded high-school! And you can use maximum 80 characters!" Ogr0121Resources.yoskucuk40 = "Your application is not approved since your YÖS point is below 40." Ogr0121Resources.hataBabaadi = "You must fill in your father's name! And you can use maximum 50 characters!" Ogr0121Resources.maksSinavSecimSayisi = "Maximum Number of Preference : {0}" Ogr0121Resources.sinavAdiFransizB = "French Baccalaureate(France)" Ogr0121Resources.ltlUIPuanHata11Toplam = "According to the chosen program {0}, your TOTAL score should be at least: {1}." Ogr0121Resources.DigerPuanDiploma = "Diğer Puan/Diploma" Ogr0121Resources.Kazakistan = "KAZAKİSTAN ULUSAL ÜNİVERSİTE" Ogr0121Resources.hataUyruk = "You must fill in your nationality!" Ogr0121Resources.hataSoyad = "You must fill in surname field! And you can use maximum 50 characters!" Ogr0121Resources.hataSehir = "You must fill in the city name! And you can use maximum 50 characters!" Ogr0121Resources.hataAdres = "You must enter your contact-address! And you can use maximum 250 characters!" Ogr0121Resources.hataEmail = "You must fill in the e-mail address! And you can use maximum 50 characters!" Ogr0121Resources.mailMessageFailed = "The information message could not be sent to your e-mail address! Please note your candidate number and your password!" Ogr0121Resources.deneme = "test" Ogr0121Resources.basvuruFormAnaBaslikSamsun = "INTERNATIONAL STUDENT PREFERENCE FORM" Ogr0121Resources.tubitak = "TÜBİTAK" Ogr0121Resources.AlertBosBirakma = "{0} area can not be empty!" Ogr0121Resources.sinavAdiAlShahadaSuriyeOrduSosyal = "Al-Shahada-Al-Thanawiyya (Syria)(SOCIAL)" Ogr0121Resources.basvuruguncelle = "Update Your Application" Ogr0121Resources.soyadeksik = "Surname must be entered!" Ogr0121Resources.hataEnFazlaProgramSecmelisiniz = "Maximum {0} program you can select!" Ogr0121Resources.IrakSSLC = "Irak SSLC" Ogr0121Resources.EsdegerTarihSec = "Please select Equivalent Exam Date." Ogr0121Resources.SomaliSSLC = "Somali SSLC" Ogr0121Resources.pdfLinkText = "The Program you are applying for has a Special Condition. Click to see." Ogr0121Resources.misirMerkeziLiseBitirmeSinavi = "Mısır merkezi lise bitirme sınavı" Ogr0121Resources.MaksSinavDegerMat = "Max Math Value : {0}" Ogr0121Resources.sinavAdiOrtaOgretimPuaniErzincan = "High School Diploma Grade (Secondary Education Grade Average)" Ogr0121Resources.matura = "Matura" Ogr0121Resources.DebirestanIranBayburt = "Iran (Diplome Debirestan and Pishdaneshgahi)" Ogr0121Resources.yunanistan = "the examination in Greece" Ogr0121Resources.IranDabiristanvePishdaneshgahi = "İran Dabiristan ve Pishdaneshgahi" Ogr0121Resources.sinavAdiDigerUniversitelerYOS = "YÖS (Diğer Üniversiteler)" Ogr0121Resources.hataAd = "You must fill in name field! And you can use maximum 50 characters!" Ogr0121Resources.ZambiyaSSCE = "Zambiya SSCE" Ogr0121Resources.lblUIPuanSciEngStream = "Sci./Eng Streams" Ogr0121Resources.BelgeKoduBulunamadi = "Document code not found" Ogr0121Resources.BayburtOzelYetenekSinavi = "Special Talent Exam will be held for candidates who choose in this field." Ogr0121Resources.Azerbeycan = "TQDK (Azerbaycan Merkezi Üniversite Giriş Sınavı)" Ogr0121Resources.sinavAdiYOS2010 = "YÖS Sınavı" Ogr0121Resources.orgyok = "No matching organisation matches with your application." Ogr0121Resources.ltlUIPuanHata4SocArtMax = "According to the chosen program {0}, your Sci.Stream score should be maximum : {1}." Ogr0121Resources.ogrenimUcretiNO = "Tuition Fee Not Paid." Ogr0121Resources.sinavAdiIrakBayburt = "Al-Edadiyah (Iraq)" Ogr0121Resources.hataProgramZatenEkli = "Program is alredy in your list!" Ogr0121Resources.ArnavutlukMATURA = "Arnavutluk MATURA" Ogr0121Resources.ltlEksikPuan = "Your application is not approved since your score {0} is below {1}" Ogr0121Resources.kosova = "the examination in Kosova or Macedonia" Ogr0121Resources.SecilenBelgeyeAitDogrulamaKoduBulunamadi = "The verification code for the selected document was not found" Ogr0121Resources.adaynoHatali = "Applicant's ID is not accaptable!" Ogr0121Resources.SinavNotuTamSayi = "Please enter an integer value for selected exam." Ogr0121Resources.ltlUIPuanHata5SciEng = "According to the chosen program {0}, your Sci./Eng Stream score should be at least: {1}." Ogr0121Resources.lblUIPuanSciEngPureSciStreams = "Sci/Eng/Pure Sci. Streams" Ogr0121Resources.SamsunSinavAdiYOS = "OMUYOS" Ogr0121Resources.BangladesHSC = "Bangladeş HSC" Ogr0121Resources.DebirestanIran = "DIPLOME DEBİRESTAN ve PİŞDANEŞGAHJ" Ogr0121Resources.BayburtBelgeIstenir = "A full-fledged hospital requires a medical report with the phrase 'Become a Private Security Officer' and a criminal record from the judicial authorities." Ogr0121Resources.TQDK = "TQDK (Azerbaijan)" Ogr0121Resources.sinavAdiTUBITAK = "International Science Olympics Degree recognized by the Scientificand Technological Research Council of Turkey (TUBITAK)"